its 5.50 in the morning and God knows y am i up instead of sleeping soundly with my warm and blanket on... things happened really fast these days?? intiball is next week...woohoo... looking forward to it?? hope iwill have a great day then... but for now, lik xiang is fighting a losing battle...!!
oh God pls help me...
not forgetting... happy birthday chan yee en.
got to know him since form 2. must admit the 1st few months being his classmates wasnt such a smooth sailing 1. we both used to quarrel alot and were the days.. and lil did i know tat he was my neighbour... living beside the house i rented... haha...
things went on.. we slowly got to know each other..and in no time we r good good best frens... hehe... forgive me ya en for always shooting u.. hehe... =) will work hard to change on tat.. and we both r in the same class until today... how many years dy???slowly figure tat out... ngek..
in conjuction of ur bday, i just wanna thank u for being such a great fren of mine... without u,brother gang outing would be a disaster,i will be worst..gulp..(at least now i am bettter off a lil?)hehe...appreciate it lots... haha... brushed up on ur badminton skills... win me the next time k...hehhe....bro, jus be urself in everything u do ya.. give ur best tat's all...dun be too upset over certain things in life cool.. haha...=-)
FINALLY,once again.happiee birthday ernie..WOHOO
love u man <3 hahhahahaa