Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow

Compare me with the one better than me, not those who are worse

so that i may improve and be better

Never look back and ponder,instead march ahead with full authority, like a knight succoring in his armor...

what tomorrow will bring?it is for me to go through with excitement and faith.

being pushed around will really on my nerves,but i shall forgive and be stronger.

love those who love u, and of course love also those who hate me---(kinda hard but no harm trying)

life has been challenging and loving and good for me recently
oh well, calculus test 2 is next week..
gosh.. better start preparing...
zack leaving tmr...

1 comment:

pamelyn said...

hey, did u write this short poem or u got it from somewhere..? nicenice..=]